In the north of Dortmund, the neighborhood with the greatest cultural diversity, we planted a garden for biodiversity. Together with the people of the neighborhood, we created an oasis of encounter and a paradise for butterflies and insects since October 2020. The foundation stone has been laid and the garden will become more and more beautiful over the years.
Joseph Beuys planted 7000 oaks and relied on the power to change society. Following this, the project for well-being and biodiversity wants to make the Nordstadt a place of social sculpture - a place with flowers and butterflies, a place where people want to feel good and "take a vacation".
As a project of the Künstlerhaus, residents, students and children from the surrounding area have transformed the 650 squaremeters large, formerly fallow area in the harbor at the corner of Landwehrstraße/Kesselstraße into an open oasis for well-being and biodiversity.
The beginning of a public educational garden as a participatory educational and meeting place. The forest garden is laid out according to the principles of permaculture and therefore requires relatively little water and care and is intended to be largely self-sustaining. All residents and participants are given the opportunity to help shape their environment under guidance, to love it and to feel responsible for the environment.
The project garden is accompanied by regular meetings of the working groups, workshops and lectures, the dates of which are announced via notices at the project garden and via social networks.