1970s in Nuremberg: work in a BMW garage. Photography apprenticeship. Studio manager. Permanent position as a photographer for fashion and advertising. Collaboration on 35 mm advertising films. Cinema maker ("Filmfabrik" in the "KOMM", "Cinemathek Nürnberg", "Kino Meisengeige"). Own bulky waste company. Secondary school leaving certificate. Truck driver for the US Army. Rock music and musical organizer. Photo reports. Exhibitions. S-8 Experimental films with Rudi Weidner including “MOMU” (Hofer Filmtage), several years of voluntary work for a self-administered cultural center in Nuremberg.
1980s: Studied film with Adolf Winkelmann. Co-founder / 4 years editor of the city newspaper: “Klüngelkerl”. Work with homeless and drug addicts at the "Dortmunder Selbsthilfe" (DSH / SSK). Co-founder: Artistic cinema "ROXY". Organizer of open-air film nights. 6 years cinema and youth film work in the Fritz-Henßler-Haus, Dortmund. Several years of honorary board work at Filmbüro NW e. V. and at AG DOK.
1990s: Curator / organization of exhibitions and film days on the subject of photography + film. Workshops with filmmakers from Eastern Europe, UK and the USA. Member of selection and funding bodies (International Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, Filmbüro NRW, Filmzwerge Münster). Video installations. Teaching activity in the field of documentary film (including Filmwerkstatt Münster e.V., Studio West, Salzburg. Concept + seminar management of the "Masterschool Documentary Film" with Klaus Wildenhahn). Cinema project: “nomadsland” (live film music: Black Rust). Coaching documentary film (Simsala Film, Zurich, Doknet - Netzwerk Autorendokfilm).
Since 1981 work as a photographer, filmmaker. Own film production since 1984. Producer of mostly long cinema and TV documentaries.
Numerous film sponsorships and festival participation, co-productions and commissioned productions with ZDF / NDR / WDR. Image films for NGOs.