Since his childhood, Achim Zepezauer is equally influenced by music and art. His studies at the fine arts school got him closer to music, while he felt connected to art, when he started to work as a musician. Therefor his works often seek the intersection of both and lead to performances, concerts or installations. Beyond that he curates experimental concerts, designs covers for records, does pottery, occasionally produces animated short films and hosts his own radio show.
Based in Dortmund, Germany, some of his achievements have been: awarded the jazzwerkruhr prize in 2006 for his DVD „Kuhzunft“, featuring his films and music videos // changing of his name from Kämper to Zepezauer // airing of his college radio show (2005 to present) // long-time member of the innovative large band „The Dorf“ // curation of the experimental concert series „mex“ at Künstlerhaus Dortmund (since 2015) // DIY production of his CDs „Choose Your Favorite Nothing“ and „Zentrifuge“ with solo songs and electronics with handmade unique cardboard sleeves // as well as his mindbreaking „Cardtalk“ - project featuring an ancient cardboard phonograph with recycled CD that has sound carved onto its surface // as well as his website-project "Slotmachine" with numerous guests // releasing vinyl, cassettes and CDs in many settings, as well as many cover artworks.